How to get suzaku in palworld

In this blog post, we will discuss how to get Suzaku in Palworld through various methods, including breeding and fighting. Capturing Suzaku requires careful planning and preparation. Stay tuned; we will discuss the complete steps to getting suzaku in Palworld.


What Should You do Before You Catch Suzaku?

Before you start the hard job of capturing Suzaku in Palworld, you should really prepare yourself. Get to level 40 right away to make sure you have all the skills and gear you need for the next challenge. Suzaku can fly very high, so having a gun that works well, like the Makeshift Handgun, is important. The Ultra Pal Sphere is also very important for catching the beautiful pal, but the Hyper or Giga Sphere will work too.

To make your work stronger, get some assistance from a flying friend. Quvern is a good choice because it is strong and easy to reach. Because Suzaku lives in the desert area of the world, it is very important to keep the heat down. Get heat-resistant metal armor to prevent heatstroke and help you deal with high temperatures. You have a much better chance of catching Suzaku and getting a strong new member for your Palworld team if you get ready ahead of time with the right gear and pals.

Also Read: How to get Helzephyr saddle 


How to Catch Suzaku in Palworld?

How to catch suzaku in palworld

To successfully capture Suzaku in Palworld, you need to plan ahead and use your Pal and their abilities well. Suzaku is weak against water-type pals, so it’s a good idea to give Aquatic Pals a chance, water techniques to use against him and slowly break down its defenses. Some pal options, like Jormuntide, Penking, Surfent, Suzaku Aqua, and Broncherry Aqua, are very good at blocking Suzaku’s fire-type moves.

If you have to fight Suzaku in the wild, use strategies that take advantage of its weaknesses. To begin, attack from a safe distance with long-range weapons to slowly drain their health while keeping yourself as safe as possible. Adding a Water Pal to your strategy can also weaken Suzaku by exploiting its elemental weakness and making the capture process go more smoothly.

By trainers can greatly improve their chances of capturing this beautiful Fire-type Pal by using the strengths of Water-type Pals and planning ahead to take advantage of Suzaku’s weaknesses. If you plan and execute your plans well, Suzaku will quickly become a valuable addition to your Palworld team, ready to add its fiery power to your adventures.

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How to Breed Suzaku in Palworld

If you don’t want to wait until you’re very high level, breeding Suzaku is a quick way to get this powerful Fire Pal in Palworld. To breed Suzaku, a player can pair up similar friends, such as Cryolinx and Blazamut, and provide them with enough space to lay their eggs.

You can find Cryolinx in the snowy north, particularly near Pristine Snow Field, which provides quick access to other locations. To help you breed them, it’s best to bring a level 40 Fire Pal with you, since most of them are between 37 and 39.

On the other hand, Blazamut is close to the No. 3 Wildlife Sanctuary. To fight it, you have to be level 40. Because they are so strong, you should bring a Water Pal of the same level to help you breed them. To get them, players can also breed Blazamut with other friends.
It’s faster to breed for Suzaku to get this pal, but you should still know what level it takes and be ready for it. People in Palworld can breed Suzaku and add its fiery power to their team if they know what to do and plan ahead.

Here is the list of breeding combo of Suzaku. 

Cryolinx Blazamut Suzaku
Cryolinx Suzaku Suzaku Aqua
Blazamut Astegon Blazamut
Blazamut Suzaku Suzaku
Astegon Suzaku Suzaku
Suzaku Suzaku Suzaku
Suzaku Aqua Suzaku Suzaku Aqua
Cryolinx Blazamut Suzaku
Cryolinx Suzaku Suzaku Aqua
Blazamut Astegon Blazamut


What makes Suzaku different?



How to catch suzaku in palworld

On Palworld, Suzaku is a beautiful Fire-type Pal that makes people very happy with its look. That it’s fiery not only makes it look cool, but it also makes it stronger against both grass and ice pals, which helps it in battle. Additionally, upon Suzaku’s assignment at your base, he significantly enhances Kindling’s work suitability at Level 3, thereby simplifying resource management and task execution.
Suzuku’s versatility is one of its unique features. You can add a saddle to it, making it one of the flying companions.

This makes it easy to get around the map. But what really draws people to Suzaku is his partner skill, Wings of Flame. This skill intensifies the fire damage Suzaku inflicts while riding, thereby enhancing his combat effectiveness.Suzaku not only possesses strength on its own, but also serves as a breeding tool for other Pals. You can pair it with a Jormuntide to create a Suzaku Aqua hybrid. It is clear that Suzaku is a very popular pal in Palworld. This is because it looks great, has strategic benefits, and can breed.

By exploiting its weakness in water, it becomes easier to capture.

Trainers-to-be have a much better chance of catching this pretty Fire-type Pal if they use the strengths of Water-type Pals and plan ahead to use Suzaku’s weaknesses against him. You can quickly make Suzaku an important member of your Palworld team if you plan and carry out your plans well. Its fiery power will enrich your adventures.



In Palworld, getting good at capturing Suzaku takes careful planning, smart strategy, and precise execution. Whether they want to breed or fight, trainers have to make sure that they and their friends are ready for the job. Understanding Suzaku’s strengths and weaknesses is crucial as it influences the management of the acquisition process. So that we have a better chance of winning, we need to carefully plan every step, from leveling up to getting special gear. Suzaku’s ability to be both a strong fighter and a good breeder adds to the Palworld experience, making trainers want to try new ways to get items. Trainers can enhance their chances of obtaining this attractive Fire-type Pal by utilizing the strengths of Water-type Pals and the weaknesses of Suzaku. It takes a lot of work and planning ahead to figure out how to get Suzaku. It also makes your pal team stronger. It also stands for victory and adventure in Palworld’s huge world.



By Hassan

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